Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Audition: In My Opinion Book Review

At first I resisted reading Barbara Walters’ memoir based on its size alone. Audition runs a full 579 pages. Then, I started hearing people comment on the book. Their testimony didn’t just say it was good, their faces lit up at the mention of Audition saying it was marvelous! I finally decided to pull the weighty hardback off my husband Ed’s book shelf. Chapter by chapter, I came to know about Barbara Walters. I struggled through all the early chapters – the first 100 pages - on her growing up and her confessions of relationships with a string of boyfriends. I made it over that reading hurdle. Then, the last 479 pages captured my attention to the extent that I looked forward to curling up with this new bedtime read. On these pages, decades of news making events again came alive. Secret quirks of celebrities and heads of state were revealed. Barbara Walters honestly explored her personal and professional relationships along with the torments and the strains caused by her climb to incredible success. So now, I join those readers who say marvelous. And, I encourage you to enjoy the history, tantalizing facts, and relationship woes. You’ll find inspiration. Jump in to Audition.

March 31, 2009

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