Saturday, May 16, 2009

Infinitely Mobile & Freedom of the Road

The infinitely mobile state of full-time RVing and the freedom from rigid career obligations recently gave Ed and I the flexibility we needed. We were in Texas when a letter came from William Woods University requesting our attendance at the 2009 Honors Convocation. We arrived on campus in plenty of time to see our daughter Suzie receive the award of Distinguished Scholar in Equine Administration on April 23rd. We planned to stay in Fulton, Missouri until Suzie’s graduation on May 9th. Then a phone call from Ed’s family summoned us to Ingersoll, Ontario. His mom’s health took an unexpected downward turn. By April 28th, we parked the coach in Canada where it has remained now for several weeks. Like turtles, we carried our home with us mobile and free to go where necessary.


Ed’s mom’s health has stabilized. Her physical recovery from surgery will be slow. Her spirit rebounded much quicker proven by her playful admonishment of Ed for mistakenly buying Creamsicles at the Independent instead of bringing her the ones she specifically requested from the Dairy Queen.

I returned to Fulton, MO without the coach for Suzie’s graduation taking a circuitous route – Ingersoll to Greensburg to Fulton and back – driving the Toyota 2,307 miles round trip. Traveling through Greensburg added an extra 600 miles to the journey but the route gave me the opportunity to take my mom with me to the Commencement Ceremony. As an added benefit, I briefly visited my grandchildren – Brianna & Brady – and took an overnight break in Erie to celebrate a belated birthday with my son Chris.

May 16, 2009

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